Labor Government sells off over 1,300 public houses

Shadow Minister for Housing Steve Martin says that there is clear evidence that the Labor Government has sold off over 1,300 public houses since coming into power in 2017.
Yesterday in Parliamentary Question Time Mr Martin asked the Labor Government how many public houses the State Government owned.
“I call on the Minister for Housing to explain why so many houses have been sold off while we are in the midst of a housing crisis,” said Mr Martin.
“The average wait time for vulnerable people on the public housing waitlist is, on average, over 100 weeks long and there are over 16,600 applications.
This Labor Government’s total inaction and mismanagement of housing is on display once again.”
“Over 1,500 public houses are currently sitting vacant, preventing around 3,000 vulnerable Western Australians from having a safe place to live.
“I call on the Minister to expedite the maintenance process and make these desperately-needed houses available as soon as possible.”
Mr Martin said the Labor Government needs to focus its attention on finding an urgent solution to the housing crisis.
“In a state with a $5 billion Budget surplus, it is appalling that families are waiting over 700 days to live in safe, secure and affordable accommodation.
“This Government needs to start putting practical solutions to the crisis in place immediately to ease the pressure on Western Australian families.”

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