Greater clarity on zero COVID case approach required

Today Labor Health Minister Roger Cook refused to explain Labor’s zero case approach on how Western Australia will exit from Covid restrictions.
“In question time today, I asked Roger Cook if the WA Chief Health Officer has provided modelling or advice on what is the vaccination rate required to trigger Phase D for exiting Covid restrictions under the national plan,” said Liberal Leader David Honey.
“This modelling and advice is clearly required to inform the Premier’s position on behalf of Western Australia when making further decisions at National Cabinet.
“Roger Cook refused to provide that advice”.
“Importantly, the Phase D vaccination rate would also provide some much needed clarity on the Premier’s recent comments regarding a zero case approach even beyond an 80% vaccination rate”.
There are also concerns that Western Australia’s public health system is ill-prepared for Phase D of the national plan”.
“Our system currently has record ambulance ramping, regular code yellow internal disasters, instances of toxic workplace culture and desperately overworked doctors and nurses”.
“This current level of crisis in the health system is in the context of no Covid and virtually no influenza”.
“I asked the Labor Minister for Health if he had received any advice or modelling from the WA Chief Health Officer regarding the public health system’s ability to cope with the stresses of phase D”.
“Roger Cook refused to answer which I find extremely concerning”.
“I am not sure which is more disturbing, the Chief Health Officer not having conducted this important modelling or that the Minister is so alarmed that he refuses to let the public know about the lack of preparedness.
“The Premier and Minister need to provide this basic information and have a mature conversation with the public of Western Australia regarding Phase D”.
“Western Australians deserve to understand how the government is making decisions on exiting ongoing Covid restrictions.

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