Questions and concerns raised over Armadale train line disruption

The Opposition has expressed their concern around the many questions left unanswered, following the McGowan Government’s additional $2 billion spend on the Armadale train line.
Shadow Planning Minister Neil Thomson said West Australians deserve appropriate answers about the 18-month closure which will cause great disruption to many commuters.
“It appears disproportionate to close the Armadale line for 18 months as this will have a massive impact on the integrated transport network,” said Mr Thomson.
“The elevation of the line between Victoria Park and Cannington will also come at a considerable cost to the taxpayer and there has been no clarity around the impact on amenity and value to the community.
“The redevelopment of the line has already caused considerable concern for Bayswater residents, and it is apparent the residents along the affected parts of the Armadale line are yet to be consulted.
“I will be raising more questions in Parliament about this over the coming days and months, as we must get value for money – it would be very difficult to undo mistakes once completed,” said Mr Thomson.
Shadow Transport Minister Shane Love has also questioned whether the nearby community including local governments, had been made aware of the 18-month disruption, prior to Labor’s announcement.
“I’ll be raising this in Parliament today, as it appears the McGowan Government has not raised this plan with local residents and councils,” said Mr Love.
“I am also curious as to whether all Labor Members of Parliament whose constituents will be at the coal face of this disruption, were consulted prior to the train line closure being announced.
“Metronet has also already blown out by half a billion dollars with nothing to show for it except for a press release – we need to clarify whether this expansion is value for money.
“This McGowan Government claims it has good financial management, yet its flagship project in Metronet has been a budget blow-out of giant proportions,” said Mr Love.

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