Calling time on unreliable Attorney-General

The sequel performance of Attorney General John Quigley in a Sydney court this week has reinforced the need for the Premier to identify a replacement.
Even the Premiers own lawyer is reported as saying that “not a lot” could be made of the Attorney-General’s testimony and that some of his evidence “borders on the outright silly”.
However, the most damning comment came from Justice Lee who is presiding over the case who described Mr Quigley’s evidence as “all over the shop”.
Shadow Attorney-General, Hon Nick Goiran MLC, says “Mr Quigley’s sequel performance is the last straw in a series of expensive debacles involving our State’s first law officer.
“This unprecedented episode has exposed the Attorney General as unreliable and makes his other recent indiscretions involving a helicopter and a mask look trivial in comparison.
“It was telling that the judge felt the need to remind the participants that ‘this is not a game’. He could just as easily have said ‘this is not a circus’.
“While this unedifying debacle has unfolded, other serious matters such as allegations of evidence tampering and bullying within the judiciary continue to be ignored by Mr Quigley.
These are matters that I have urged him to prioritise for months and yet he has preferred to consort with the Premier in his ego-game with a billionaire.
“While I can well understand that the Premier will not unfurl the white flag of surrender in his litigation by sacking his star witness before a judgment is delivered, nevertheless he must immediately take steps to identify a replacement.”
Leader of the Liberal Party, Dr David Honey MLA, said “We should remember that as well as being a considerable embarrassment to the Attorney-General and the Government, this bizarre episode is also being paid for by the taxpayers of Western Australia. This case arose from intemperate language used by the Premier.
“If the Premier had been more responsible in his comments, we would not be seeing this waste of taxpayers’ money.”

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