Labor misses online off-road vehicle rego opportunity

As annual registrations fall due for off-road vehicles, Labor have again missed an opportunity to bring the system online, according to Shadow Transport Minister Shane Love.

“We hear continual noise in this space but see no action,” Mr Love said.

“Registration renewals for off-road vehicle owners fell due on 1 October and owners have to attend in person at a Department of Transport Driver and Vehicle Services Centre.

“While the system is so 20th century, the sector is missing out on revenue which could be invested in the development and maintenance of off-road vehicle trails.”

Raising a grievance with Minister Carey on 25 November 2021, Mr Love said the State Trail Bike strategy tabled in 2008 was extremely comprehensive but the issues raised in the 344- page document remained unresolved.

Focus area five of the State Trail Bike Strategy ‘Back on Track’, released 14 years ago, made recommendations regarding the registration of trail bikes.

“Payment cannot be made online or accepted by Australia Post and this presumably explains why a paltry two percent of trail bikes are actually registered,” Mr Love added.

“It’s becoming more difficult to open a cheque account, making the payment of vehicle registrations increasingly difficult.

“Not only is the registration revenue lost but there is no means of identifying trail bikes making it difficult for police to apprehend offenders or return stolen goods.

“In May this year, Local Government Minister John Carey advised that the process to bring off-road vehicle registration online was underway.

“Boat registration can be carried out online – how complicated can it be to bring off-road vehicle registrations online?”

Mr Love said Transport Minister Rita Saffioti advised during Budget Estimates in May that there was more than $770,000 in the Off-Road Vehicle Special Purpose Account.

“There would be significantly more funding available if the deadline for online registration had been realised this year,” Mr Love added.

“Another year is lost.

“Meanwhile we have trail riders with limited track options and less since the Ledge Point area is closed at present.”

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