Statement from Leader of The Nationals WA Hon Mia Davies MLA

Today, I have advised my colleagues that I will not be seeking re-election at the 2025 State Election and intend to stand down as the Leader of The Nationals WA at the next meeting of the Parliamentary National Party.

Over the summer break I have considered my future as a Member of Parliament.

In March 2025, I will have been a State Member of Parliament for 17 years, the past ten of those as a higher office bearer as either Deputy Leader, Leader, Parliamentary Secretary and Minister of the Crown.

The last two have been as the Leader of the Opposition Alliance.

I have served in both the Legislative Council and Assembly and have been involved in every election at a State and Federal level since 2005, either as a Member of Parliament or behind the scenes as Policy Director, State Director and Campaign Director for The Nationals WA.

The decisions that our team will be required to make and deliver over the course of the next two years in the lead up to the State Election will be significant and require leadership from someone that intends to continue on beyond 2025.

Now is the right time to transition the leadership to give them the best opportunity to chart a course back to Government.

I want to thank The Nationals WA for the honour of leading the Party for six years – it has been a privilege and something I have never taken for granted. I have given it my all and trust that I have done it justice.

I extend my thanks to our State President Tony Crook and his team. Our Executive are committed volunteers and our membership is stable.

There remains an important place for The Nationals WA and our pragmatic and common-sense brand of politics in WA.

I look forward to continuing to serve as the Member for Central Wheatbelt for the final two years of my Parliamentary career.

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