Petition calls for sealing of Goldfields Highway

The National-Liberal Opposition has called for spending on critical regional routes to be prioritised and reinstate funding to seal the remaining Wiluna to Meekatharra stretch.

Shadow Transport Minister Shane Love said this particular section of the Goldfields Highway, which spans 124 kilometres, remains the only unsealed highway in the entire State.

“With three years of Budget surpluses in its back pocket, the McGowan Labor Government must put some of this money towards sealing this important stretch of highway,” Mr Love said.

“For decades, this road has remained unsealed despite the fact it remains a critical route in the State.

“There has been a commitment to construct and seal only 17 kilometres of the Goldfields Highway between Wiluna and Meekatharra, but the Transport Minister needs to push for more.

“This crucial freight route must be at the top of her priority list, rather than favouring Labor’s metro-centric Metronet project.”

Member for North West Central Merome Beard said local communities have been crying out for the much-needed and long-overdue upgrade, which was so near in 2016.

“Under The Nationals WA’s Royalties for Regions program, $60 million was ear marked to seal the Goldfields Highway, but was promptly stripped away by the Labor Government in 2017,” Ms Beard said.

“The McGowan Labor Government is clearly ignoring cries for help, so the Opposition has launched a petition demanding an inquiry into sealing the remaining section of the Goldfields Highway without delay,” Ms Beard said.

“This stretch of road poses a risk to those who frequent the highway and has seen three incidents in the past month alone, coupled with unsustainable costs to the Shires of Meekatharra and Wiluna.

“The McGowan Labor Government loves our royalties but not our regions and they need to do better to ensure our regional roads are safe and funds are directed back into our regions.”

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