More jobs lost as another timber mill closes doors

The forestry industry has suffered yet another blow with the closure of Whiteland Milling in Busselton.

“Whiteland Milling is the third timber mill to close within the last month as a direct result of the McGowan Labor Government’s attack on regional jobs,” said Shadow Minister for Forestry Steve Martin.

“Thanks to Labor’s unscientific and cynical decision to shut down a sustainable regional Western Australian industry, dozens of workers in Busselton are now looking for a job.

“People in regional WA are losing their livelihoods while the Labor Government are asleep at the wheel,” said Mr Martin.

Native forestry in the South West has provided countless jobs and opportunities for workers over the generations.

With more closures expected as the year progresses, Mr Martin questions the lack of detail and delivery in the government’s handling of the shutdowns.

“Labor still has no plan for the hard-working members of the forestry industry. Minister Jackie Jarvis has clearly lost control of the transition process.

“The closure of Whiteland Milling will have a devastating impact on families, communities and businesses in regional WA. More must be done to ensure that employees and businesses in the forestry sector are supported throughout the entire transition process.

“By shutting down a sustainable, local industry, Premier McGowan has shown us that Labor would rather rely on importing questionably sourced timber into WA than protect our regional jobs.

“These communities need the Minister for Forestry to bring forward the support measures in the Native Forestry Transition Plan.”

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