McGowan Government turns a blind eye after yet another police car ramming

The Opposition-Alliance has again called for urgent action by the McGowan Government to address the increasing number of police car rammings following another dangerous incident overnight.

“Another day, and another police ramming, yet the McGowan Government refuses to take action against dangerous offenders,” Shadow Justice Minister Tjorn Sibma said.

“Thankfully, no officers were injured in the incident, but it continues to highlight the McGowan Government’s inaction on reforms to introduce greater penalties for those who undertake this dangerous act.”

WA Police recently revealed in Parliament that 54 officers were injured during alleged police car rammings between 1 January 2018 and 31 January 2023.

“What will it take before the McGowan Government takes action to protect those who protect us?” Mr Sibma asked.

“Since the McGowan Government came to power, more than 54 police officers have been injured by police vehicles being allegedly rammed yet they arrogantly fail to act.”

“The fact that the government has done nothing to address this issue is an insult to officers and their families.

“We should not have to wait for a fatality before the McGowan Government takes action.”

In February 2021, the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council released its report Use of a stolen motor vehicle as a weapon which recommended that States follow the lead of Victoria and the ACT to include a specific offence for ramming a police vehicle.

Yet twelve months on, and many damaged police cars and injured officers later, the McGowan Government still refuses to commit to these basic laws.

“It is outrageous that the McGowan Government is still refusing to commit to new laws to address the issue of the deliberate ramming of police vehicles,” Mr Sibma said.

“A vehicle is a dangerous weapon, and if it is used to ram a police car then the intent to do harm to those officers who are trying to protect our community is clear.”

“If an offender uses a vehicle to deliberately ram a police car, they should be locked up.

“It is not surprising that WA Police are resigning in record numbers given the McGowan Government’s refusal to support basic measures to protect officers.”

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