Labor Governments forget Australia was built on the sheep’s back

The Opposition has called upon the WA Labor Government to stand up for West Australians and defend the live sheep export trade against ideological attacks from the Albanese Government.

Member for Roe Peter Rundle today stood with colleagues, producers, businesses, and families set to be impacted by the senseless ban.

“This is yet another in a line of attacks from a Labor Government on regional industries and on hardworking sectors delivering immense benefit for our State.”

“We’re here today to send a message to the Premier, and his Minister for Agriculture Jackie Jarvis that this industry deserves more than lip service – they deserve a State Government fighting for them in Canberra.” Mr Rundle said. 

Mr Rundle’s repeated calls for the Federal Minster Murray Watt to front communities and explain his attack on their economies are still unanswered.

“Minister Watt owes it to West Australian producers to look them in the eye while he decimates their industry – to hide behind the panel is gutless.”

“He may refuse to front up, but the Premier and Minister Jarvis are in a position to force him to the table on the issue. What are they doing? Where are they?” Mr Rundle said.

A petition calling for the reverse of this reckless decision from the Member for the Agricultural Region Steve Martin and his Federal Liberal colleagues Member for O’Connor Rick Wilson and Senator Slade Brockman currently has 10,000 signatures.

“Banning the trade in a country with the highest standards for animal welfare, and stringent accountability measures is senseless – other nations without our standards will fill the gap and that’s a poor outcome for our traders and for animal welfare standards.” Mr Martin said

Shadow Minister for Agriculture Colin de Grussa said the Albanese Government hadn’t learnt its lesson from the devastation of the temporary ban on live cattle exports,

“Our communities and our industry stills bear scars from the last gratuitous ban on live export under a Federal Labor Government,”

“We’re seeing a drop in confidence and sheep prices while this ban looms over the future of the industry and WA Labor are nowhere to be seen.

“The Premier and his Minister seem to forget the human impact of this decision – they’re on the cusp of destroying peoples lives and livelihoods.”

“Our communities and our industries are the first to suffer under Labor Governments and they deserve more.” Mr de Grussa said.

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