Shane Love and David Littleproud stand united in opposing overbearing Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws

The Nationals WA and Federal National Party have today taken a stand against the flawed implementation of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws by WA Labor.

It comes as the Federal Labor Government refuses to rule out enacting similar legislation which would override the ‘botched’ Cook Labor Government’s regime.

Leader of the Opposition and Leader of The Nationals WA Shane Love has been joined by Federal Leader of the Nationals David Littleproud this week and said the last thing West Australians need is more red tape.

“WA Labor MPs have admitted they have botched the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act, now, with Federal Labor considering enacting similar legislation, concerns are being raised,” Mr Love said.

“The Nationals believe in protecting property rights and promoting sustainable development.

“You don’t achieve this by passing another set of shambolic laws which create hurdles for businesses, farmers, and local governments.

“The Nationals WA stand firm in our commitment to rewrite the Act and bring in a new, common-sense approach to address the concerns of stakeholders.”

Federal Leader of The Nationals David Littleproud said farmers and landholders in West Australia deserved better.

“This week I have travelled around WA and every stop along the way, people have told me that the new laws have been flawed from the start,” Mr Littleproud said.

“The Federal Government also needs to be honest with the Australian people, whether WA’s Cultural Heritage Act will be the benchmark they use in the Federal Bill.

“The Federal Government’s ‘Options Paper’ identifies the establishment of a new Indigenous body that would be given the power to ‘prevent’ a development from proceeding and insist they be redesigned under a Federal Act.

“Legislation designed to protect cultural heritage must strike a practical balance to let farmers farm and not slow development or create division between Indigenous Australians and the rest of the country.

“The Nationals are dedicated to providing common sense solutions that protect property rights and preserve our nation’s cultural heritage.”

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