WA needs a leader not a Batman-wannabe intent on outsourcing his job

Premier Roger Cook’s announcement this morning that he is hoping to establish an “embassy” in Canberra in a bid to “fight for WA rights” is a bad joke and raises serious red flags about his ability to do his job.

“Western Australians should be worried about getting a fair deal from the Albanese Labor Government as he seeks to please Labor Premiers across Australia,” WA Liberal Leader Libby Mettam said.

“But today’s announcement shows Premier Cook does not have the confidence in himself to be able to deliver for WA and needs more bureaucrats to do the work for him.

“This is an admission by Roger Cook he is worried about his relationship with the Prime Minister and Federal Labor Government.

“Roger Cook was not elected by West Australians to be premier, and what is clear is he does not
have the level of respect from his Federal Labor colleagues that is needed to ensure WA continues to
get its fair share of GST and other Commonwealth contributions to our great state.”

After embarrassingly backflipping on Labor’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage laws, Premier Cook has had
another embarrassing moment, likening himself to Batman in front of the State’s major business

“It is preposterous that WA taxpayers would need to fund a ‘Bat Cave’ in Canberra with more
bureaucrats because ‘Batman Cook’ doesn’t think he can do the job,” Ms Mettam said.

“First, WA Labor spent $1.6 million for ‘GST Freedom Fighters’ to ensure the GST system that was
put in place by the former Coalition government remains, and now we have the new Premier trying to
outsource the rest of his advocacy for a “Team WA” embassy.”

Ms Mettam said it also raised questions about the effectiveness of Premier Cook’s Federal Labor
colleagues and their ability to advocate for WA.

“They were elected to advocate for WA, taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill to pay bureaucrats to
do the job of Labor MPs.”

Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Nationals WA Shane Love said Premier Roger Cook’s
latest policy reinforces the fact Labor is out-of-touch from everyday West Australians.

“Roger Cook says he’s ‘finally Batman’, while the rest of WA thinks he’s the Joker,” Mr Love said.

“In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, WA Labor’s focus should be on the people of Western Australia,
not on spending money to outsource the responsibilities of the WA Labor Government to an embassy
in Canberra.

“Western Australia already has nine Federal Labor members of Parliament and five Labor Senators
based in Canberra.

“If Premier Cook has no confidence in himself and Labor’s role to represent our state’s interests, then
it is time for new representation.

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