Opposition encourages community participation in the public submission process for theproposed South Coast Marine Parks

The Opposition has encouraged local communities to participate in the public submission process following the release of the draft Indicative Management Plans for the proposed South Coast marine parks.

The four proposed marine parks extend from Bremer Bay to the South Australian Border, encompassing significant commercial and recreational fishing grounds and tourism hotspots on WA’s south coast.

“Given the potential impact of the proposed marine parks on communities along the south coast, it is absolutely vital that people take the time to review the draft plans for each of the parks and put forward a submission if they have any concerns” Deputy Opposition Leader, Mr Rundle said.

“The Cook Labor Government is proposing to lock away 25% of the proposed marine parks into sanctuary zones which, if not done correctly, could have a devastating effect on local communities”.

Shadow Fisheries Minister, Colin de Grussa said that the Opposition is working through the proposed plans as a matter of urgency to ensure the impact on the commercial and recreational fishing sectors, as well as beach goers and tourists, have been minimised.

“From the outset, commercial and recreational fishers have expressed strong concerns about the lack of transparency and scientific rigour used by the Cook Labor Government, especially during the initial planning phase for the marine parks. It will be interesting to see if their concerns have been listened to and are reflected in the final iteration of the plans released for public comment” Mr de Grussa said.

The public comment period is open until 16June 2024. For more information or to have your say, visit https://www.dbca.wa.gov.au/get-involved/have-your-say

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