Cook Government’s transparency track record in tatters

The Cook Labor Government’s commitment to transparency and accountability is in tatters following damning revelations from both the Joint Standing Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission and the Auditor General this week.

Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister for Government Accountability Shane Love MLA has condemned the Government’s dismal track record, accusing them of an arrogant disregard for the Parliament and the people of WA.

“Government accountability in WA has sunk to a new low, with the Cook Labor Government’s promise to deliver ‘rolled gold’ transparency in ruins,” Mr Love said.

“Successive reports from the Auditor General and a Labor-led Parliamentary Committee have further exposed this Government’s systemic withholding of information, showing a blatant disregard for open and accountable government.”

In Parliament today, the Joint Standing Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission tabled A Lower Standard – Information the Premier provides to the committee when undertaking its role in an appointment process on behalf of the Parliament

“This report, pointedly titled A Lower Standard, has harshly criticised the Premier for concealing vital information from the Committee regarding appointments to the CCC,” Mr Love said.

“The Premier’s deliberate decision to keep this Committee in the dark has undermined the integrity of the Corruption and Crime Commission and sidelined the vital checks and balances there to protect the interests of the people of Western Australia,” Mr Love said.

“The Opposition has long raised concerns over the disregard for transparency set by WA Labor and perpetuated by Premier Cook, who have ignored convention and established process.

“This is the calling card of this Labor Government: ignoring convention, rewriting rules to suit their agenda, and trampling over the Parliamentary process designed to ensure transparency and accountability,” Mr Love said.

In addition to the Committee’s findings, Mr Love also highlighted a damning report from the Auditor General, titled Legal Services Provided to the State Solicitor’s Office – Opinion on Ministerial Notifications, which exposed the Attorney General’s refusal to provide necessary information to the Auditor General, thus obstructing her duties.

“By restricting access for the Office of the Auditor General, this Labor Government are not just undermining transparency – they are actively blocking the important oversight which is needed to ensure public trust,” Mr Love said.

“The people of Western Australia deserve better than this insidious and arrogant Government
which believes it is above the Parliament and beyond accountability.”