WA Labor is Leaving WA Behind

The Alliance Opposition has today labelled the Cook Labor Government’s Budget as one which leaves WA behind.

Opposition Leader Shane Love said despite posting a $3.2 billion surplus, the 2024/25 Budget did nothing to support West Australian’s grappling with the cost-of-living crisis.

“Treasurer Saffioti has made clear today that the gargantuan METRONET project, now blown out to $12.6 billion, is more important to Labor than supporting WA families.”

“Beyond an inflationary and non-means-tested electricity credit, we’ve seen nothing to alleviate the pressure which continues to mount for households.”

“I have no doubt the credit will be welcome relief to many, but the credit masks ever-increasing household fees and charges.”

“One thing is clear – this Cook Labor Government has lost touch with WA and it has the wrong priorities.”

“Premier Cook has handed control over to a Treasurer – who happens to be the Minister with the largest cost blow-outs in their portfolio.”

“We’re facing a cost-of-living crisis, a housing crisis, a crime crisis – Labor need to look up and realise they’re leaving WA behind.

Shadow Treasurer Neil Thomson said the Budget simply proved that the Cook Government remained blind to the unfolding failures in essential services of health, housing and community safety across the state.

“The Cook Labor Government is blowing the biggest fiscal boom in the state’s history,” Mr Thomson said.

“This is the budget of a tired, incompetent Labor Government that has its priorities all wrong.

“True to form, this budget is full of band aids which provides no meaningful long-term hope to struggling families and will do little to help our sick hospital system, inadequately manned police force and over-stretched teachers.

“How is it that a State going from strength to strength is getting further and further in debt? WA is on track to hit a record debt of $40.9 billion, despite record revenues.

“I’d suggest to the Treasurer there are many, many Western Australian families who do not feel like they are firing on all cylinders, in fact they are feel like they are barely limping along.”

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