South Perth Agriculture Building needs to be replaced

The Member for the South West Dr Steve Thomas says the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development building in South Perth which houses the Diagnostics and Laboratory Services (DDLS) needs to be replaced.

“As revealed in Parliament this week the critical laboratory services provided by DPIRD to the agricultural industries has been suspended because the ancient building that houses the service has asbestos contamination” Dr Thomas said.

“As a veterinarian who has made use of those laboratory services, I know how vital they are to the health and welfare of animals across this state, so it is essential that they get back up and running.

“It has been common knowledge for decades that the DPIRD building on the South Perth site has been falling apart. In fact, I remember discussions with then Agriculture Minister Kim Chance on the need to replace the building going back twenty years.

“It now appears to have hit crisis point, and while the current Minister for Agriculture didn’t cause the problem, she has certainly inherited it.

“A rebuild must now be a matter of priority.”

Dr Thomas said that he understood that the Department originally stopped taking samples but was now taking some of them again and referring samples to other Government laboratories like the PathWest and to private laboratory services.

“I am sure that DPIRD is doing its best to manage this problem, and some temporary solution will hopefully soon be in place” Dr Thomas said.

“But obviously a long term solution is required, and that can only be a rebuild or relocation of the laboratory.”