United front calls on WA Labor to show some backbone for live sheep trade industry

The WA Opposition has stood united with producers, businesses, and families whose livelihoods will be impacted by the Albanese Governments senseless live sheep trade ban.

The crowd descended on the front steps of WA Parliament ahead of a passionate Matter of Public Interest debate in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday.

Member for Roe Peter Rundle introduced a motion to Parliament calling on the Premier to stand up for Western Australia and outline his plan to defend the live sheep trade against the Albanese Governments ideological attack.

“The ban on the live sheep trade will cripple regional communities and businesses who rely upon this $130 million industry.”

“The producers, farmers, businesses and families are a part of our regional towns, they sponsor the local footy team, shop at the local shops and send their kids to school in town.”

“Regional communities rely on them having a bright future,” said Mr Rundle.

Member for Central Wheatbelt Mia Davies said the industry was sustainable and had a future in Australia where animal welfare standards are some of the best in the world.

“These people are invested. They build businesses, employ people, and have a passion for being part of an industry that feeds and clothes people, not just in Australia, but across the world.”

“The industry has given us the facts. It is a fact that the mortality rate on live sheep vessels has gone from 0.8 per cent in 2016 to just 0.21 per cent in 2021, and with continuous improvement, that rate is likely to decrease,” said Ms Davies.

Opposition Members condemned the Premier for providing nothing more than lip-service, after he claimed to support the sector but failed to support the motion or clearly outline his plans.

“We need more than just words from the Premier; we need action. He has an opportunity to take a different tack to the previous Premier and his government,” said Ms Davies.

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