Release of WA Prisoners Review Board decision key to maintaining public confidence

Shadow Justice Minister Tjorn Sibma has acknowledged the public disclosure of the WA Prisoners Review Board’s decision concerning the early release of Luke Noormets.

“As I stated yesterday, in the interests of maintaining public confidence, the community deserves to know why Mr Noormets was found eligible to be released from jail early,” Mr Sibma said.

“While I am relieved the WA Prisoners Review Board has come to recognise the strong public interest in this case and reversed its original decision not to publish its reasons, the tragic and irreversible consequence of Mr Noormets’ early parole cannot be undone.”

Mr Sibma said this episode sadly underscores the need for an urgent review of the Sentence Administration Act 2003 (WA), and the WA Prisoners Review Board operations with a view to improving transparency and accountability to the public.

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